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Request a Catalogue

You can request a catalogue to be sent to you by post, to be emailed to you for later use, or to be made available for immediate download.


    Post me a catalogue

    You can request a catalogue to be sent to you by post filling out your details in the form below.

    Product Catalogue (IE)Product Catalogue (NI)Catch Crops (IE)

    STEP 2

      Email me a catalogue

      You can request a catalogue to be emailed to you for later use by filling out your details in the form below.

      Product Catalogue (IE)Product Catalogue (NI)Catch Crops (IE)

      STEP 3
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      If you have chosen your catalogue to be posted, it will be with you in 2-3 working days or if you have requested your catalogue to be sent by email, it will be sent to you automatically.

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      Germinal Ireland catalogues

      Our latest grass and forage seed catalogues and guides are available below to view or download. If you would prefer a hard copy, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will post you a catalogue.

      Product catalogue 2024

      You can click here to download the latest Germinal Ireland product catalogue or else view it below.

      Catch crops brochure

      Use the viewer below to explore our latest catch crops brochure filled with ACRES-compliant straights and mixtures. Or you can click here to download the brochure.