Germinal Covid-19 Statement

Monday 16.03.2020 , News

UPDATE: 25th September 2020

“We are following appropriate government advice to ensure the health and safety of our employees and other stakeholders, and taking precautions in the workplace to combat infection and maintain service as close to normal as possible.

We have cancelled all non-essential airline and public transport travel, meetings are being held by video conferencing where possible. We have also increased our capacity for staff to work from home where necessary and have appropriate hardware available for this to take place.

We will continue to monitor the situation and follow government advice in all geographical areas in which we are directly active, and will update customers of changes to our approach. In the meantime, it’s “business as usual” and your usual contact within Germinal is available as normal.”

UPDATE: 24th March 2020

The Germinal Group’s approach to the Coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic has evolved following recent advice from the UK and Irish governments.

All staff who can work from home are currently doing so, although we are maintaining cover in our office and warehouse teams to ensure we can provide as good a service as possible. The seed production sector is part of the essential supply chain to the food production industry, and as such the indications are that we will remain operational even if stricter regulations are brought into force across the UK and Ireland.

We will continue to monitor the latest government advice and will advise of any changes to our approach. Although it is not quite business as usual, we thank you for your support and assure you that Germinal will continue to serve all stakeholders to the best of our ability.

16th March 2020

The Germinal Group is monitoring developments in the fast moving situation relating to Covid-19.

We are following appropriate government advice to ensure the health and safety of our employees and other stakeholders, and taking precautions in the workplace to combat infection and maintain service as close to normal as possible.

We have cancelled airline and public transport travel and postponed meetings or are holding them by video conferencing instead. We have also increased our capacity for staff to work from home where necessary and have appropriate hardware available for this to take place.

We will continue to monitor the situation and follow government advice in all geographical areas in which we are directly active, and will update customers of changes to our approach. In the meantime, it’s “business as usual” and your usual contact within Germinal is available as normal.