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      Red Clover Intensive Silage

      A mix designed specifically for high-quality silage production. Red Clover Intensive Silage is ideal for increasing on-farm protein production to reduce bought-in feed requirements and cut fertiliser costs.

      Benefits of Red Clover Intensive Silage

      • Improved protein content of silage
      • Reduces the need for artificial nitrogen
      • Outstanding grazing yield and quality
      • Suitable for aftermath grazing, but avoid overgrazing
      kg/acre Variety Type Heading date
      2.00 AberMagic Perennial ryegrass (D) 28 May
      2.00 AberWolf Perennial ryegrass (D) 30 May
      3.50 Barwave Perennial ryegrass (T) 22 May
      0.50 White Clover Large Leaf
      4.00 Red Clover

      T = Tetraploid / D = Diploid

      Ask the grass experts

      Contact us below to discuss the benefits of producing red clover silage.

        Sowing rate: 14 kg/acre (35 kg/ha)

        Sowing time: April-August

        Sowing depth: 10-15 mm

        Sowing instructions: Cultivate to achieve a fine, firm seedbed. Ploughing will help level rough fields. Sow in good conditions (warm with rain forecast), no deeper than 10-15 mm. Roll well after sowing to ensure good soil/ seed contact. Apply N, P & K as per soil test results and nitrates rules.

        After sowing, monitor for pest attack and take immediate action where necessary. Post-emergence weed spray is essential approximately 5-6 weeks after establishment, use a clover safe spray.

        Ideally, take a light cut in the sowing year to aid tillering and help increase the sward density. Subsequently, take three to four high-quality silage cuts from early May. Graze lightly in the backend to ensure a clean sward is carried into the winter. Avoid grazing in wet weather to minimise the risk of poaching.