Stubble turnips


Stubble turnips are another cost-effective feeding solution in summer, autumn or winter for sheep or cattle. As well as providing a main crop, it can be used as a catch crop during summer grazing shortfalls.

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Product benefits

  • High digestibility driving intakes
  • Vigorous early growth
  • Resistance to lodging
  • Long utilisation period and good winter hardiness

Usage instructions

Available NPK for swedes and turnips  (kg/ha)

If soil P value is above 15mg/l, no fertiliser P is necessary

Top-dressings are not usually required. However, following wet seasons where crops are backward, top dress with up to 30 kg N/ha

Source: Teagasc Green Book, 2020 (revised edition)

Uses: Dairy – Y; cattle – Y; Sheep – Y

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