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      Winter Bird Food

      Winter Bird Food provides a tailored food source for farmland birds throughout autumn and winter.

      1 acre pack

      Species Sowing rate (kg/ac)
      Oats 9.10kg
      Tillage radish 1.20kg
      Mustard 0.60kg
      Phacelia 0.70kg
      Linseed 5.00kg
      Total 16.60kg

      Option to mix with cereal seed

      Species Sowing rate (kg/ha)
      Mustard 5.00kg
      Phacelia 2.70kg
      Total 7.70kg

      Ask the forage seed experts

        • Establish a 6 or 8 m winter bird food strip along a field boundary
        • Minimum payment area is 0.25 ha; maximum area is 3 ha
        • Protect from livestock using a fence that is fit for purpose
        • Establish the crop by 15th May
        • At least one cereal: spring oats/triticale/wheat/barley
        • At least two of the following: linseed, oil-seed rape, phacelia, fodder radish, mustard, spring vetch, lucerne, chicory or birds-foot trefoil
        • Once sown, only spot treatment of noxious and invasive weeds is allowed. Pesticides are not permitted.
        • Harvesting of the crop is not permitted and it must remain in situ until 1st March the following year
        • Fertiliser can be applied up to a maximum of half the N and P rate for spring oats (as described in Statutory Instrument Number 113 of 2022)