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      Soil Booster Biofumigant

      Soil Booster Biofumigant is a catch crop mixture offering an all-round biofumigant approach by combining radishes, mustard and vetch.

      Mustard and oilseed radish contain biofumigant properties to reduce soil-borne nematodes in potato and beet rotations. These species contain high levels of glucosinolates which help plants fight pests and diseases.

      Smart radish® is a new type of radish bred specifically for soil health. It has a large penetrating taproot along with side laterals that explore the soil around the root and anchor the plant, giving excellent scavenging ability and benefits to improve soil structure and break compaction.

      Key benefits

      • Biofumigant benefits
      • Nitrogen fixing
      • Improve soil structure
      • Nutrient scavenging and reduced leaching

      Mixture breakdown: Biofumigant

      Catch crops Weight (kg)
      Brown mustard 2 kg
      Oilseed radish 2 kg
      Smart radish® 2 kg
      Vetch 4 kg
      White mustard 6 kg
      Total 16 kg

      Talk to a catch crops expert

        Sowing rate: 1 ha pack – 16 kg

        Sowing time: Sow from mid-July up until 15 September if sowing for ACRES

        Sowing depth: 10-15 mm

        Sowing instructions: Cultivate to achieve a fine, firm seedbed. Ploughing is not permitted if sowing in the ACRES scheme. Sow in good conditions (warm with rain forecast). Roll after sowing to ensure good soil/seed contact.

        After sowing: Crop must remain in place until after 1 January if sown within ACRES. Leaving the crop in place over winter will help improve soil structure and reduce soil erosion.