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      DoubleRoot hybrid clover by Germinal
      DoubleRroot hybrid clovers are developed by Germinal to provide the agricultural industry with highly resilient, climate smart forage

      A climate smart forage option

      A world-first forage option in helping farmers adapt to climate change. DoubleRoot hybrid clover is a resilient, nutrient efficient environmentally friendly option for livestock production.

      DoubleRoot hybrid clover diagram
      DoubleRoot hybrid clovers from Germinal offer significant benefits to livestock farmers

      Developed by Germinal Horizon

      Germinal Horizon Aberystwyth, based at The Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS), has developed a unique hybrid of white clover and Caucasian clover that tolerates cold and dry conditions.

      Ask about DoubleRoot hybrid clover

      If you want to know more about the climate smart benefits DoubleRoot can bring to your farm, please get in touch.