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      Riparian Buffers Zones /Strips - Arable

      By establishing riparian buffer zones, farmers can help protect water quality by minimising the loss of sediment and nutrients from soil while benefiting from the ACRES scheme.

      The ACRES scheme requires that riparian buffer zones/strips be established adjacent to small streams, surface drains, rivers, lakes, or ponds.

      ACRES Riparian Buffer Zone mixture (1ac pack)

      Species Sowing rate (kg/ac)
      Cocksfoot 4.10kg
      Red Fescue 3.10kg
      Perennial Ryegrass 3.00kg
      Total 10.20kg

      Ask us about ACRES mixtures

        Requirements for Riparian Buffer Zones

        1. Sow grass riparian buffer strip/zone by 31st August using certified seed.
        2. The seed mix must contain at least three grass species of which Cocksfoot must make up a minimum of 40%. Seed labels and receipts must be kept for the duration of the contract.
        3. Cutting is permitted but cannot take place between 1st March and 31st August annually. Off-takes can be removed, livestock are not permitted to graze the buffer.